
Friday, 24 May 2013

Oral Languange

listen to ‘junior and Antonia's recording’ on Audioboo

this morning room 14 were learning how to talk to people without being shy or awkard when miss ouano said that  she was piking boy girl boy girl all of the boys said awwwwwwwwwww but when  miss said it's the way of life i understood. 

Monday, 20 May 2013


you no it's a mammal when they give there baby's some milk.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Emperor Penguins Vs Leopard Seals

* Mothers come back from eating and feed their baby's.

* The mothers feed their chicks by spewing food in to his mouth .

* Now it is the dad's turn to go out to and find there pray.

* Just before the father penguins hop in the water they see a leopard seal

* Sadly, one penguin gets eaten by a leopard seal. 

Monday, 13 May 2013

Dictogloss - Antarctica: The Frozen Continent

Antarctica is in the south pole at the bottom of New Zealand. Antarctica is the coldest continent in the world.

The southern ocean is important because if the ice melt the hole world wil be fludded.  

Antarctica is split from two main areas West Antarctica East Antarctica. Antarctica is split by trans-Antarctic mountains. East Antarctica is nearly three quarters bigger then West Antarctic.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Cupcake Core Sampling

this morning i have been learning how to take core samples.we took samples from a cupcake and geussed what the core (inside) looked real life geologist take samples of whats under the land.