Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Being a Good Friend
Being a Good Friend - Explanation for Writing Sample
Do you know how to be a good friend to one another? If you don’t then let me tell you.
Being a good friend to one another means never leaving your friend behind in a fight or if they are feeling sad.Friends never leave friends for some one else unless it is important and friends don’t fight with each other.I think friends should get to know each other really well and meet their families.
One thing you should know about friendship make sure the family likes you and they don’t know you as a bad example.Don’t have a friend that you like only for his money or lunch.You should always have a friend that you like because he or she is nice to you, never respect anyone who doesn't respect you back.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Friday, 12 September 2014
Junior's News Artical
WALT: use the structure of newspaper articles to write news reports
The Year 2s from Pt England need toilets in the village.
Little kids from Pt England school are having toilet accidents, during class time because the toilets are too far when they're on a rush.
The reason the toilets are so far is because they are in a classroom that they're not going to be in for so long. It is so far from the toilets but when they get into their new class rooms they are going to have no more toilet accidents.
Years 1 and 2 have shifted into different classrooms called the village. they are waiting while their old classrooms are getting renovated.The Junior’s only going to stay at the village for a bit.
6s is the blame that there is no toilets in the village. The sewer pipes are under the year 6s classrooms. The builders said if they are going to build toilets in the village they would have to demolished down the year 6’s class rooms, the teachers of the year 6’s said that they really want their classroom.
When they get into their new class rooms hopefully no more little kids have toilet accidents.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Year six uniform upgrade
Year six uniform Upgrade
Pt England School Junior
The senior school have upgraded uniform The teacher's think that the senior school does not want to wear the same uniform as the year 1-6 students.
The year 8 prefects from two years ago designed the new uniform because they wanted to look different from the Year 1-6 kids. The teachers can distinguish the senior student from all the other kids.
The cost of a jacket is 55$ and the culottes cost 56$. plus the hats are 10$. the total of the year 7&8 uniform is 121$ that is so expensive.
The new uniforms is jackets, culottes and black bucket hats.The jackets is full black with a little red on the side it is a zip up jacket and it is for boys and girls to wear. The culottes is all black and it is kind of like a skirt and it is only for girls. The sun hats it is a black bucket hat and for boys and girls but only in Term 1&4.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Monday, 18 August 2014
Monday, 11 August 2014
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Cook Island quiz awnsers
Here are the answers to the quiz about Cook island.
answer 1:B
answer 2:C
answer 3:B
answer 4:D
answer 5:D
answer 6:C
answer 1:B
answer 2:C
answer 3:B
answer 4:D
answer 5:D
answer 6:C
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Let the Common Wealth games begin
Every 4 years Athletes from all around the world come together for one of the biggest events in the world, the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth games!!!.The game’s of sports some of them are Rugby sevens,Weight lifting and Judo. My three favorite sports in the commonwealth games. and plus it has lots of countries even mine witches Tonga and New Zealand and I am supporting both of them.
The Rugby sevens one of my favorite sports ever because I play Rugby Union to and some day I want to play national rugby like them.the rugby sevens team played really well they made it to the final and they were playing South Africa. and the ending score was seventeen twelve New Zealand lost but they still got a silver Medal and im proud of how they played.
shot put Did you know New Zealand has won 3 gold medals at the commonwealth games in shot put from the one and Only Valerie adams she is the best. Once she came second but it was not true the gold medalist was using drugs to make her stronger. so she was disqualified and Valerie Adams came first and she got a gold medal for New zealand.
I think the CommonWealth games are really awesome becauses most of the countries come together and play sports and even win gold medals.
The Rugby sevens one of my favorite sports ever because I play Rugby Union to and some day I want to play national rugby like them.the rugby sevens team played really well they made it to the final and they were playing South Africa. and the ending score was seventeen twelve New Zealand lost but they still got a silver Medal and im proud of how they played.
shot put Did you know New Zealand has won 3 gold medals at the commonwealth games in shot put from the one and Only Valerie adams she is the best. Once she came second but it was not true the gold medalist was using drugs to make her stronger. so she was disqualified and Valerie Adams came first and she got a gold medal for New zealand.
I think the CommonWealth games are really awesome becauses most of the countries come together and play sports and even win gold medals.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Monday, 16 June 2014
the sinking of the Titanic
April 10th 1912, we set sail to New York in the unsinkable Titanic. It is the biggest object to be made by mankind. One beautiful morning the Titanic was ready to go. Over 1,000 passengers were lined up to go into the mighty Titanic me and my friend junior packed 5 big bags of clothes to take with us. When we got inside it was so flash that I could not believe it. I was staying in first class cabins. When it came to night we had butter chicken for dinner and for dessert we had cheesecake and chocolate syrup for the topping it was so yummy.
When I was on the titanic I was so warm. The titanic was going as fast as it could It was going 20 to 25 knots. Then suddenly it was heading towards an iceberg. Captain Smith woke up he turn off the engine for the titanic It was slowing down fast but it was still moving
Captain smith saw the titanic hit the iceberg he didn't care. The titanic had scratches on the side of it. Then the titanic slowly started to sink everyone was screaming. There was not enough lifeboats. Titanic was slowly snapping in half. We realised that we were doomed.. The Titanic went down with some people in the titanic the people that were inside the boat they froze to death.
The titanic was going down fast like a rocket blaster. Then suddenly it slammed into the sand at the bottom of the sea. The titanic is still down there people will not bring it up because that is where people died. Please leave a comment.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Friday, 9 May 2014
My Rugby Union Game
Saturday morning jumped out of bed and had some breakfast after I was finished. I watched Tv then My dad told me to get ready For my rugby game. Against Marist saints and bought me a Powerade drink . When I was ready my dad dropped me off to the club.
Then put on my rugby boots and started to look for my team I saw Sateki. And my coach his name is Steve he said we have to do laps around the field .then we had to to practice our line outs and scrums. Then we done some stretches and our coach Steve gave us our rugby shirts and checked that we have Mouth guards to start of the game.
Next they started the kick off and then I grabbed the ball and ran. I got tackled but I off loaded. it to my friend Lasalu he goes Tamaki primary and he got a try and I got the conversion kick in. After that they kicked off but one other boy from my team knocked the ball on and the other team got the ball.
When one of them were running up to me I accidentally shoulder budged him the face. So I got sent off the field for five minutes. When I came back in the field I played humble. So I’d never get sent off at the and we won by 45-5. And even if I got sent of the field It was still fun THE END.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Junior's life cycle of A butterfly
Junior's life cycle of A butterfly from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo. This Animation is about a Butterfly life cycle it was really hard drawing the pictures so I hope my hard work pays of!!!
Monday, 7 April 2014
Junior's frog adventure
Dear mum and dad It is really fun here at grandma and grandpa's farm i play with my friend's there names are Rosy and Andrew we love to discover lots of new stuff one day we were just running until we saw a little pond we went to go have a look when they got there they saw tadpoles and frogs so we ran home grabed our gum boots and grandpa to come see after it was getting late so I had to go inside and have a shower then after that i'd have dinner soon after sleep time THE END
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Michael,night and junior Swimming 2014
Swimming is one of my favorite sports or should I say one of my best sports. Mr S’s maths class always goes swimming every day. It’s extraordinary because we have instructors that teach us how to swim and be confident in the water. The first time that Mr S’s maths class went swimming we had to do A swimming test so they know which group to put us in. They put me in group three which is the highest swimming group. The next day we came we had to get our togs and go to the pool’s. When we got there I said to myself ‘’ahh it’s good to be back’’ So we had to rinse ourselves off and we hoped in the pool with joy. Our instructor said to us ‘’get A board each put your hands in the front and freestyle kicking all the way to the other side.’’As soon as we got there we were waiting for the other people to finish I was doing really cool back and ford flips. We had A short lesson of swimming so we got changed and left the pools in excitement.
The next day Class 8 went swimming again but on fridays after swimming we go TC which stands for Tamaki college. So we got our togs and went swimming but it was different because we had to bring our whole bag with our lunch so after we go swimming we eat our lunch and then we go and walk all the way down to Tamaki College But in the mean time we went swimming as usual so when we got there we had to get changed and have A shower it was amazing because I went in the freezing cold one. Then we hopped in the pool it was warm suddenly but i just couldn't put my finger on it May be it was the cold water that made me warm from my shower. Group three Is really interesting because Group one and two don't do the stuff that we do. I found out from my Mum that if you go swimming you use all your muscles in your body. Group three’s swimming is very complicated Because we swim the whole pool The other groups have to swim half way of the pool. After swimming we went Tamaki college to do some activities.
After A long day of swimming finally we finished the day by going to TC and after we went to TC we went back to school and get our school bags ready to go back home and enjoy our Inspirational weekend.
My mini reveiw
This book is about a family of caveman and cave woman they have a son named Arg but he is different to his family because he is really smart he has the biggest brain then all the other cave man living so then he goes on adventure with his friend Shlok I think this book is funny every body is stupid in a funny way
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Friendship writing
Have you ever had a best friend? friends are about never leaving one another behind. friendship mean playing with each other and having a good time’s.
some people do bad for having good time like prank calling or having fights with other people but they don’t realise that there ruining other people’s good times. so that why just play right games play in the right place and just have a good time. in a good way then you will be sure end up in the right place like or the park,rugby field and at the mall with your scooter.
then you will be sure end up in the right place like or the park,rugby field and at the mall with your scooter. buying ice cream or a rugby ball or ride around the block with some more fried so nobody gets left out.And if there is somebody new to your street get along with or invite all the family’s to come for a family home evening night.
If you were there i'm sure you would have a fun time well I eat all the food until I'm fat then we all went to the marist club field to play touch It was ultra fun but it was getting late so we walk back home and said our goodbyes then I went home had a shower watched a program named Lab rats. When it was finshed my mum told me to go for a cup of water and go to bed THE END
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Grid References
- What is the grid reference of the ∞ ?A2
- What is the grid reference of the * ?D4
- What is the grid reference of the Δ?B3
- What is the grid reference of the Circle?B5
- What is the grid reference of the Love Heart?A4
- What is the grid reference of the Smiley Face?C3
- What is the grid reference of the Cloud?E5
- What is the grid reference of the Sun?E3
- What is the grid reference of the Lightning Bolt?C1
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Geometry Glen Ines map
1.First you you turn north west from Point England exit to the roundabout
2.Then you go south east to Taniwha street after you get to the end of Taniwha
3.You turn north east and soon after you will see the park
Directions to my house
1. First you start from the Pt England shops then you go east.
2.Then you turn south east onto Kawiti Ave.
3.soon after you will find you self on a little turn the you go north west and you will be
be there.
Have you ever been bullied in school before? if you follow these step of WITS Then you will be sure to never be bullied again.Step one if someone starts an argument will you stay and fight or will you walk away and don’t bother with trouble.I think the best thing to do is walk away and play with some other friends.Step two if they are trying to get you into trouble you ignore it and sit somewhere else.If somebody is mocking you and doing something that you don’t want. And step four when someone is getting hurt and being mocked by more than one person would you stay and just watch or will you go and find some help or well the right thing to do is seek help even if it is your enemy and you hate him so much just get help and he'll be your and won't have any enemy just friends THE END
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
WALT use speech marks correctly so the Ika and i made a short paragraph with speech marks and I hope you enjoy.
Monday, 3 March 2014
My Statistical Investigation
I was finding out and learning about graphs this week. Mr Somerville told us to create a graph template based on the weather in Auckland. I was learning what was the highest humidity on Sunday 9th of march. I found out that the the highest humidity was 85 at 12 pm.. I conclude that most days are like this and I like the first graph because it stand out more and it was the first I made.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014
My movie
My Movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Here's a movie of me and my friend it's about never leave any one or any things behind treat them how you would treat your self.
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Monday, 10 February 2014
My weekend
On a Friday night me,Melvin and my Dad went to a farewell party for my uncle because he was leaving to Tonga. when we got there I saw my cousin William I went inside. and sat down in the living room they were all watching Diary of a wimpy kid dog days. It was funny then we went to his room and played wrestling with the light off. Then we went to the kitchen and my older cousin let me play on her iPhone I was playing flappy birds It was so hard so I went on stick page on the computer.
Then we watched another movie It was called escape from the planet Earth. I was bored so me and my other cousin played three on three touch in the rain. when we went inside we all got in trouble from our parents. Soon after our cloths went inside the dryer lucky our boxes were still dry and wore that and had to stay in the until our cloths were dry.
When our cloths were dry we had a shower and played GTA 5 on his PlayStation 3 we stayed up all night. When I woke up in the morning my eyes hurt and it was red I got up and woke up the other they all lazy. soon after my Dad came pick me up to go home when I got there I had breakfast then played touch and went inside and had a long sleep THE END.
Then we watched another movie It was called escape from the planet Earth. I was bored so me and my other cousin played three on three touch in the rain. when we went inside we all got in trouble from our parents. Soon after our cloths went inside the dryer lucky our boxes were still dry and wore that and had to stay in the until our cloths were dry.
When our cloths were dry we had a shower and played GTA 5 on his PlayStation 3 we stayed up all night. When I woke up in the morning my eyes hurt and it was red I got up and woke up the other they all lazy. soon after my Dad came pick me up to go home when I got there I had breakfast then played touch and went inside and had a long sleep THE END.
Friday, 7 February 2014
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
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