Yesterday was the 19th of March and the day the year 7&8 and I went to the A.S.B Poly fest. It was really fun because we got to see firemen and they showed us some cool like this big explosion but not that big that it burnt us.I won a drink bottle and T-shirt Then we went to globug.
At globug we learned about them and the power we use in our house.Soon after we got lollipops and biscuits they were really yummy then we went to flava.The really cool radio station it was 95.8 so check it out if you have time it has the best music.
When we got to flava we met Arizona she was telling us about flava then we had to get into a group of five to take a picture so they can put it up on their website.It was Me Collin,Jaylen,Zane and Elizabeth.
Then we went to this game it was kind of like tennis you had to hit the ball and one of the people had to see how fast the ball went.My Hardest hit was 92 but I knew that I could of hit harder.The score was 200 and something by Roger Federer that is really cool.
Then we went to A.S.B we had to write what we liked about Poly fest.I said I like Poly fest because the Amazing dancing and culture.Soon after we got a Poly fest bag with prizes inside of it.
after that we had our lunch and then went with our group to some place.My group went to the Maori stage and the we left to school from there.So thanks For reading My story.